The Renaissance of the Door drop
Karen Thompson / July 2023
Door drops are a really cost effective way to catch the attention of potential customers.
Do they perform in terms of sales increase?
YES! The door drop really is effective when combined with a money-off coupon. We’ve even seen one brand achieve a 73% rise in sales as a result of a highly targeted door drop campaign.
And don’t be fooled into thinking that it can’t work for a luxury brand. We had huge success with a door drop campaign for the luxury ice cream brand, Oppo Brothers – read the case study.
Why is the Door Drop so Effective?…
1. Because no one else is doing it
The competition is pretty poor. Take a look at your email Inbox and then take a look at your doormat. The route for easy standout then becomes obvious.
2. Fantastic life within the home
Door drops give you a direct route into consumers homes. I mean actually there, sat on the window sill in people’s kitchens (everyone keeps them there right?) and stays in the home for on average, 38 days. Sat there like a little reminder as the home-owners potter around their kitchen. Not like email Inboxes and Facebook pages where you have a few minutes before you’ve fallen off the bottom of the page. On average the recipient will spend 46 seconds viewing the door drop.
3. A wide range of targeting options
Targeting has come on leaps and bounds from the basic selections of old. Data-sets and the latest geo-demographic targeting capability can really refine your targeting strategy. This means not only can you market to a chosen proximity to stores but you can also match existing buyer profiles.
4. Impact on the doormat
Whilst we tend to assume a door drop would be rectangle in shape, for additional impact there are so many options with die-cutting and paper stocks. Our Cushelle door drop achieved massive standout by being cut in the shape of the iconic Cushelle Koala and printed on a heavy weight stock. And of course the ‘£2 off coupons” ensured additional stand out and retention.
5. Personalisation
Just because you’re not using someones name on a door drop doesn’t mean you can’t personalise it in other ways. Imagine the cut-though if you saw a photo of your local town on a door drop or if the copy named your village shop or the local school.
6. GDPR complaint by design
Door drops don’t require or contain personal data, so they are completely GDPR complaint, allowing you to reach new customers in this GDPR world!
How can Umbrella help?
Where Umbrella can add oodles of value, is the creation of a really high impact offer (call to action) that will not only stand out on the doormat, but will ensure the door drop successfully drives your desired response. Our skill is in achieving the biggest bang for your buck!