The Colder the Day, the More You'll Save


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The Colder the Day, the More You


Shoppers were being impacted by the cost-of-living crisis and there was an increased need for a warm breakfast in cold winter months.


Umbrella helped the brand run a campaign across the UK, with a unique and engaging headline ‘The colder the day, the more you’ll save’. This offered consumers coupons whereby the value changed depending on the temperature outside.

This was brought to life across touchpoints with social and dynamic OOH showcasing the live temperature with a link to the digital coupons. And for the first-time ever, a bus shelter activation included a built-in interactive thermal imaging camera that scanned passers-by, offering them a QR link to a dynamic coupon on their mobile phone.


To ensure the promotional budget was capped for the brand, especially with the added financial exposure of the unknown temperature variables, we ran the campaign under a Fixed Fee for them. This meant however many people redeemed the coupons, we would not charge the brand any extra. This gave them the confidence to shout about the campaign even louder!

Quaker Oats


Reactive Digital Coupon




Fixed Fee / Risk Management / Reactive Digital Coupon

What We did

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